In Antwerp, your congress or event, meticulously prepared for years, matters more. Because in Antwerp, you’re not just another congress, you get to be the main event. We prioritise a personal approach, putting your satisfaction and needs above all else and we work tirelessly to make you feel welcome and special. You can count on Antwerp Convention Bureau to support you before, during and even after your event in the following ways:
Bid coordination and support
Bid coordination and support
We offer comprehensive support to event organisers bidding for large international congresses and conferences. Our team recognises the unique needs of organisations and we work closely with you to align our support with your goals, highlighting the distinct advantages your organisation offers.
From facilitating the bid process and creating compelling bid books, to administrative assistance with dossier compilation, we ensure a seamless experience. We help you present an airtight case for Antwerp as the perfect destination for your next event.
Find the perfect match!
From iconic world heritage venues to state-of-the-art facilities, Antwerp offers a wide variety of venues, hotels, restaurants, and experience partners to perfectly suit your next event. Discover our recommendations for service providers that will make your event resonate.