Presentations enable attendees to enhance their knowledge of SNOMED CT and are aligned with one of four program streams.
Advances in Research and Innovation
Presentations showcasing innovation of SNOMED CT to accelerate data, information, evidence and knowledge creation, supporting a wide range of informatics research
Demonstrating Implementation Excellence
Presentations exploring practical demonstrations SNOMED CT. Implementers from healthcare organizations, government agencies and industry will share their lessons learned, outcomes and benefit realization achievements.
Enhancing Clinical Practice and Outcomes
Presentations focused on the application of SNOMED CT in clinical settings and clinical research; aimed at enhancing the patient or citizen experience, clinical outcomes, reducing costs or improving efficiency. This may include such areas as precision medicine, data analytics, decision support, clinical guidelines etc.
Terminology Leading Practices
Presentations covering experience and ideas on innovative enhancements of SNOMED CT, as well as those in conjunction with other international standards, e.g., content development, mappings, description logic, reference sets and more.